Pen and ink ethnographic sketchbook drawing of Arassari Pataxo. Cacique of Barra Bejha, Bahia, Brazil.
Arassari speaks about life in his community. He asked everyone to get involved in changing the laws of extraction. Mining , oil, cutting trees, and invasive agriculture threaten their lands in the Amazon,

A New Era of Native American and Global Indigenous Studies
University of Miami.
This event is sponsored by UM NAGIS Working Group with support from the
UM Indigenous Heritage Committee, the UM Institute for the Advanced Study of
the Americas, Library Indigenous Studies Group and UM Libraries.
The PHD students presentations about Native American or Indigenous issues were very interesting. The screening of Helena from Sarayaku was also an excellent ethnographic documentary.

Eriberto Gaulinga talks about his film and how it took him two years to follow Helena to tell her story. He interviews the elder to discuss the mining, petroleum extraction, illegal agriculture, and deforestation.
Eriberto's mother sngs while hand made flutes play, The drone shows the panoramic view of the rainforest.
Helena's grandmother warns her that she'll have to become the spokesperson for Sarayaku community.