Pachakamaq The Earth Creator god. Iconography, Griffin, an anthropomorphic creature from a Wari vessel.
Pachakamaq in Quechua means "Earth Maker," the creator god Pacha Kamaq.
It is an archaeological site 40 kilometers southeast of Lima, Peru.  The sanctuary is facing the Pacific Ocean. It was first settled around A.D. 200 in the Lurín valley.
The temples attracted pilgrims from far including later the Incas, to consult its oracle.  The High Priest interpreted the oracle from the privacy of a chamber.  Pilgrims had to fast and do other rituals before they consult the oracle. They brought offerings of coca leaves, textiles, and gold.
An artist's urban intervention or reconceptualization is the ideological approach to the space chosen. The resulting artwork becomes a product of embedding ideological meaning into the cultural urban space. The urban intervention in Pachakamaq is in the form of music performance on the temple of the Sun. The performance becomes a ritual to invoke Pachakamaq and give him an offering of gratitude. This love song was originally played by panflute Sikuri’s ensembles in Bolivia and Puno, Peru.
Bajando por Jaramillo, he recogido tres rosas
Tres rosas rojas que quiero entregarte
Bajando por jaramillo, he recogido tres rosas
Tres rosas rojas que quiero entregarte
Una para tus cabellos, otra pa' tus labios rojos y la mas roja pa' tus ojos negros
Una para tus cabellos, otra pa' tus labios rojos y la mas roja pa' tus ojos negro
Pa' tus ojos negros
Pa' tus ojos negros
Me dices que tengo otras, no se cuales son las otras yo solo tengo tres hermosas rosas
Me dices que tengo otras, no se cuales son las otras yo solo tengo tres hermosas rosas
Una para tus cabellos, otra pa' tus labios rojos y la mas roja pa' tus ojos negros
Una para tus cabellos, otra pa' tus labios rojos y la mas roja pa' tus ojos negros
Pa' tus ojos negros
Pa' tus ojos negros

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