Qhatu (market in Quechua)
Qhatu Chicha
Stop animation video art with 1,700 photos streaming.
The market image is an icon that has appeared in early painted ceramics of pre-Colombian cultures, like the Moche, Mochica. It has been depicted in carved gourds and during the colony inside the retablos as storytelling. I want to appropriate the market icon and make it into a contemporary version within our culture. ​​​​​​​
I grew up surrounded by fruit, herbs, and food stands. They sprout in shanty towns, the mountains, the jungle. Some vendors peddle their goods in tricycles. Others display their goods on a llicllas, blankets on the floor.  As their ancestors did two thousand years ago for bartering. There is an act of resistance, eco-gardening, decolonization in the food markets in South America.  The small stands and street vendors neutralize society’s need for ready-made packaged fruits and vegetables; they do not compete with the large supermarkets. They bring fresh organic products from local family farms to the city or from trucks bringing fruits from the Amazon. Besides fruit stands and domestic products some stands bring ancient wisdom and old knowledge, jungle drinks with animals inside, Chuchuwasi, maca, chancapiedra, coca leaves, jungle teas, and shamanistic herbs that cure ailments.
The sound will be recorded from life, in the streets, buses, traffic, people conversations, and radios blurring in the background. A mélange of sounds like bazaars in Morocco.
The style of the new video art “Qhatu” would be like Kioskos Chicha, a stop-animation video art:
Kioskos Chicha, won an "Official Selection" at SFAAF. South Film and Arts Academy Festival, Rancagua, Chile. June #9 Edition, 2018.
Kioskos Chicha is an intervention-videoart of Lima’s kioskos. (Newspaper stands, also called Quioscos in the 60’s) Chicha* is a maximalist movement with design patterns and colors ranging from a pre-hispanic Peru to the contemporary post-colonialist tendencies. The kioskos exist as bright, colorful displays selling newspapers, magazines, and books.
Single photographs as samples of Qhatu, the new stop animation videoart.
Walter Mignolo, / Pedro Pablo Gómez. Editores.Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá. Colombia 2012Estéticas y Opción Decolonial.  

Edouard Glissant, Poetics of Relation, Translated by Betsy Wing
The University of Michigan Press. 2010. ____opaque - transparent​​​​​​​

 Mary Louise Pratt. Arts of the Contact Zone. From Ways of Reading, 5th edition, ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petroksky. 
New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999
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