Coloquio de la Lengua Quechua.
Avances y Perspectivas en la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en el Perú.
Colloquium of the Quechua Language. Advances and Prospects in Bilingual Intercultural Education in Peru.
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Lima, June 13, 2023
The conference was very interesting and invited ten teachers to share their experience teaching Quechua to children and high school adolescents. EIB, Quechua Intercultural Bilingual Education was a law passed in the 80's to bring education to Quechua speakers in very isolated places in Andean Peru and the Amazon.
Celia Rosa Quispe, an indigenous leader in Puno, the south Andes used radio communication to help the different ayllus, family villages.
Quechua Intercultural Bilingual Education. #pucp #coloquio #conference #pontificiauniversidadcatólica #lima #peru #quechua #carmencazorlazen #eib #celiarosaquispe #andeanradio #quechuaradio #researchjournal #languageacquisition

Quechua TV is available between 4:30 am and 6:30 am in Peru's TV stations. This is a proactive way to learn Quechua by reading the subtitles and listening to the message. They try to do Spanish sub tittles also so if you do not understand a verb or comment you can read it in Spanish.

Aprenda Quechua en 10 Dias. Libreria Lima S.A. Lima, Peru. 1976
The booklet has a series of sentences, questions, and sayings in Quechua. Its a practical manual since it has language used daily.

Montes Naupa, Yesenia. Utuskuru. Asociación Puryninchik. Ayacucho. Peru. 2022
The children's book teaches about how a small worm wants to eat corn but chooses continuously another because it is purple, yellow, white, or pink, and after many many attempts to eat he dies.

Montes Naupa, Yesenia. Uywa- Kuna, Los Animales en Quechua. Asociación Puryninchik. Ayacucho. Peru. 2022
Yesenia Montes describes several animals in this fun children's book.