Venus Over Manhattan Press. New York, 2014
Pettibon makes drawings that are appropriation of 70's comics, The same brush and ink or pen and ink style of Jack Kirby from Marvel Comics. Except Raymond Pettibone makes a balloon tor two tell the story in one complete frame.
Javier Silva Meinel. El Fotógrafo como Artista Visual
Guillermo Niño de Guzmán. La Fabrica, Photo Bolsillo. Madrid, España. 2020
Meinel has a vast series of postmodern photography. His compositions are surrealist and metaphoric, They have another meaning to reality, They reflect our indigenous realities, the myths and the magic of the forest, land, habitants, and the ocean.

Javier Silva Meinel. Martin Chambi. Mario Algaze. Visions of Peru.
Throckmorton Fine Art. New York. 2003
Museum of Photographic Arts. San Diego CA. 2003
Edouard Glissant, Poetics of Relation, Translated by Betsy Wing.The University of Michigan Press. 2010.
The most interesting part of the book is the concept of "Opaque and Transparent"
its how do we see African descendants, or decide not to see them. And they themselves feel they are sometimes seen, and. other times they feel they are opaque - transparent- not there at all.
Walter D. Mignolo. 2007. La idea de América Latina. La herida colonial y la opción decolonial. Barcelona: Gedisa, 241 pp.
Review Universidad Austral de Chile:
Mignolo thinks the conquest after the invasion of the Americas was done with language, books and theories, religion, and social changes. Mainly books dominated and changed the Eurocentrism into a reality for all the Americas. This is a very interesting proposal because modernity itself happens while all Americans were the subjugated and controlled. He wants a form of decolonization to happen by the means of people making a revolution to the ideology of and Eurocentric pattern.
I bought the book in Peru in Spanish and I really enjoyed reading it:
Mignolo busca desmitificar la teoría Eurocéntrica. Propone que existe una subalternización cultural y epistémica que se ha hecho de las culturas de nosotros, no-europeas. Y que ahora es el momento de descolonizar las Americas.