While in Lima, Peru I conducted a search for iconography, Quechua, ethnic identity and story telling- short stories books. I found these new books to reflect upon ways of researching  iconography and the other topics.
Aviles, Marco. No Soy tu Cholo. Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial S.A. Lima, Peru.  2017.
Aviles presents a reality of discrimination in Peru and how people call each others "cholos. It s a protest book confronting race discrimination within a society. And proposing a new way of not being victimized but learning how to be Peruvian in a new era.

Alarcón Daniel. et al., 2023. El Tiempo es Nuestro. Cuentos Peruanos Post-2000.
Editorial Planeta Peru S.A. Lima Peru. 2023.
El Tiempo es Nuestro is a compilation of several contemporary writers' short stories. The librarian recommended I read this book to get a feeling of the new directions and styles of  Peruvian contemporary writers. 
Aviles, Marco. De Dónde Venimos los Cholos.  Editorial Planeta Perú S.A. Lima, Perú. 2021
I will list Travelers Vanden and jungles in Peru's postwar zone. He wanted to find out why the people did not leave their hometowns in the violent war of the Shining Path. What is what keeps them now in their provinces?  He interviews hunters, fishermen, shepherds, and farmers he sees this process with a mirror of his own personal life history.  The difference between the people he interviews, and him. He left the rural world when he was a child from the mountains and relocated to Lima.

Vidas Paralelas. Viviana Avalos Miguel Lescano, Elie Angles. Taller Cono Norte. 2000-2023. Museo del Grabado. ICPNA.. Lima Peru. 2023
The catalogue depicts severla posters and street art made by these artists,
Camus. The myth of Sisyphus. 1942
Philosophical questions about life, the absurd, death, and suicide. In The Myth of Sisyphus Camus describes the concept of the absurd. The absurd comes with the realization that the world is not rational. 
ARTWARE 8. Roncoroni, Umberto. Editor. Britanico. Lima Peru. 2023
An interesting catalog for an exhibit that has international artists working with interactive media, The cross between animation, sciences, biology and visual arts. 
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