CAROLINA RITO Exploring the Roles of Writing in Practice Research
Fahlin, Marie. 2021. ‘Moving through Choreography – Curating Choreography as an Artistic Practice’. Stockholm: Stockholm University of the Arts > link
Juren, Anne. 2021. ‘Studies on Fantasmical Anatomies’. Stockholm: Stockholm University of the Arts > link
Rojo, Paz. 2019. ‘The Decline of Choreography and Its Movement: A Body’s (Path)Way’. Stockholm: Stockholm University of the Arts > link
Fahlin, Marie. 2021. ‘Moving through Choreography – Curating Choreography as an Artistic Practice’.
In these documents, performances and research the objectives are a metaphor of dancing movements. The protagonist is a centaur and his relationship to us humans are the dynamics of life and other meanings.
“The exhibition of Marie Fahlin’s artistic research project Moving through Choreography – Curating Choreography as an Artistic Practice takes the notion of “centauring” as its starting point. It can be understood as a temporary integration of two bodies, practices, objects or fields of knowledge in the creation of a third – to us unknown – creature, phenomenon, situation, becoming or being; a centaur.”
Juren, Anne. 2021. ‘Studies on Fantasmical Anatomies’
Studies on Fantasmical Anatomies
Anne Juren’s interest in anatomy and somatic practices grew out of her multiple shoulder dislocations. As a result, these events inspired the artist to create a work of art and a dissertation.
Using her knowledge of anatomy, psychoanalysis, feminist and queer theories, poetry, and somatic practices – She developed body-orientated practices based on Feldenkrais’ speculative use of language, imagination and touch.
The research is presented in three transversal movements.
First, the expansion and distortion of the “Feldenkrais Method.”
Secondly, experiences of diffraction, or a “blind gaze” and dissociation as a strategy for dominant regime of vision. As a choreographic gesture Anne invites the public to lie down and close their eyes.
The third movement Through the notion of “sensorial transference”, she experimented with sensing across bodies.
The final work is registered in writing video sound and photography.
Rojo, Paz. 2019. ‘The Decline of Choreography and Its Movement: A Body’s (Path)Way’
Paz Rojo
This artistic research project consists of three inter-related parts including the video "ECLIPSE: MUNDO". The project involves aesthetic, philosophical and socio-political perspectives, carried out on choreographic, performative, textual, audiovisual, curatorial and discursive media.
Afterwards, the reader is invited to read the book "To Dance in the Age of No-Future" and get a context regarding the rest of the audiovisual materials located on the same website.
The exposed materials are displayed as an “essay written form” understood in the Spanish or French sense of the Latin word "ensayo / répétition" and its associated meanings such as try-out, rehearsal, practice, study, preparation and experimentation.
the materials show an ongoing migration of concepts in formats such as video, testimonies, audios, scores, tool descriptions and images.
The viewer listening and reading these materials– can trace the diverse kinetic, political, aesthetic, discursive and conceptual layers. And these are linked to presentation formats and practices.
Mark Herbst
Browse, with joy, the preface of Foucault’s, "The Order of Things" (p.XV-XXIV)
Foucault uses a passage from Borges writings; He recalls thinking about the distinction between the Same and the Other. Borges passage quotes a certain Chinese encyclopedia. In which is written.
Animals are divided into:
Belonging to the emperor
Sucking pigs
Stray dogs
Included in the present classification
Drawn with a very. Fine camelhair brush
Et cetera
Having just broken the water pitcher
That from a long way off look like flies
Foucault recalls Borges idea of thinking of a cultural difference, a new taxonomy or system of order to classify animals borders with a fable. In his preface he uses philosophy, logic, and comparisons with the ways our culture classifies animals. But he concludes that Borges Chinese quote presents a new way for open language and creativity.