These video clips are only an excerpt of the actual song. The subsequent instruments later complete the recording. The purpose of these recordings is the production of a new CD with 10 songs. We have recorded six so far.
The melody has been inspired by an old Scottish song composed by Dougie MacLean. He composed "The Gael" (1990), which became the main theme of the 1992 film The Last of the Mohicans. Inca Spirit is recording improvisations with different pre-Columbian instruments to create a fusion of the original melody. This video clip is an excerpt of the actual melody. The subsequent instruments later complete the recording. Recorded by Jesus Villegs at the Gamma Production studios in Chorrillos, Peru. The purpose of these recordings is the production of a new CD of healing music.
#incaspirit #dougiemaclean #lastofthemohicans #fusion #versionlastofthemohicans #lochnessmonster #incaspirit #cllerenaaguirremusic #mamaquena #quenacho #siku #panflute #gammaproductions #chorrillos #lima #peru #recording #grabacion #fusion #appropriation #incaspirit #rogeliomachaca #nestorlupaca #JesusVillegas #gammaproducciones #healingmusic
This is a scratch track recorded in Gamma Productions by sound engineer Jesus Villegas in Chorrillos, Peru. "La Contamanina" is a song from the Amazon. The melody was composed by an Italian violinist traveling to Iquitos, Peru, at the beginning of the 20th century in search of fortune during the rubber boom. It describes the passion that the beautiful Leonor Olortegui inspired in the Italian traveler. His love was requited, and the family of Leonor took her away from Iquitos. Later Alejandro Mera de Aguila added the lyrics to describe the passion that the beautiful Leonor Olortegui Reyes inspired in the Italian traveler.
El quien, me trajo hacia aqui es el Ucayali,
con su serpentear yo surcándole voy,
hacia ti mujer, para mi vivir, yo te he de querer
Mi cantar es asi, para ti mujer con amor,
Contamana te vio nacer, con mucho placer