Pacific Ocean recording of waves moving all the stones up and down in a trance like effect.
Thevenot, Raymond. Método Quena. Los Pinos, Lima. Peru. 1984.
Raymond Thevenot was a Swiss professional musician. A transversal orchestra flute player. He fell in love with the Quena and moved to Peru in 1972.
The very first test recording before adding 7 new  instrumental tracks:
Panflute, Quenacho in FA, Mamaquena in DO, Siku in Do. Charango, keyboard, percussion.
Last of the Mohicans/The Gael (Promentory) 
by Christopher Dean
In 2002 Chris recorded and released Scottish singer/songwriter Dougie MacLean’s instrumental tune “The Gael”. It was released as the cover tune on his second album entitled “The Gael”.

The tune became internationally popular after its inclusion in the soundtrack for the 1992 20th Century Fox movie “The Last of the Mohicans”, directed by Michael Mann.
Fusion version
The purpose of this research and workshop is to make a set of musical instruments to record a melody inspired by "The Last of the Mohicans" soundtrack.  Gamma Producciones is recording the song's background with rhythm guitars, and a  synthesizer for the song in C. 
The original song was composed by Dougie MacLean. It appeared in "Promontory" As The Gael with a mesmerizing violin solo melody. Trevor Jones from South Africa composed a similar song used in the soundtrack of The Last of the Mohicans. 
For the fusion recording I will use  Mama Quena in C, Do Mayor, and to create harmony I will intermix the melody with an Antara Latin-American panflute in C, a Nai, Rumanian Panflute in C, and a bass Siku bipolar, Zampoña  in C.
Villa El Salvador, Lima, Peru

Finished Gamma Productions studio mix 
26, June 2023
The Last of the Mohicans is a 1757 American narrative. It is a historical romance novel written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1826.
Film Synopsis. 
The Last of the Mohicans. 1992.
The last members of a dying Native American tribe, the Mohicans -- Uncas (Eric Schweig), his father Chingachgook (Russell Means), and his adopted half-white brother Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis) -- live in peace alongside British colonists. But when the daughters (Madeleine Stowe, Jodhi May) of a British colonel are kidnapped by a traitorous scout, Hawkeye, and Uncas must rescue them in the crossfire of a gruesome military conflict of which they wanted no part: the French and Indian War.
Lutier Rogelio Machaca tunes a quena flute and transports a siku panflute from Si to Do Mayor.
 Rogelio Machaca behind his vast collection of jungle bamboo to make Siku panflutes. At the Aymara workshop. Villa El Salvador,  Lima, Peru
Lutier Rogelio Machaca  transports a bass siku panflute from Si to C, Do Mayor.
Nestor Lupaca measure the  bipolar siku in B, SI panflute and will transport it to C,  Do Mayor. 
Villa El Salvador, Lima, Peru
Lutier Nestor Lupaca makes a Mama Quena flute and a bipolar siku panflute in C,  Do Mayor. And a bass large Senka Tenkana in G. Sol Mayor. Villa El Salvador, Lima, Peru
Huaco Silbador. (whistling vase) Vicus, Pre-Columbian civilization. Piura, North Coast, Peru. 800 AC
Dr. Giulia Vismara recommended researching Pre Columbian whistle vases from Mexico. 

A collection of ceramic instruments which Vica Pacheco produced at the EKWC form the basis for two new works: the kinetic installation Mitote and the dance performance Ollin created with Siet Phorae, Francesca Mariano, and Fernanda Soberón. Vica seeks to produce a ritual in which minimalist and repetitive movements and sounds transport the listener toward an expanded state of consciousness.
After an investigation, I decided to commission Alfrefdo Najarro to make me a whistling vase. Alfredo Najarro is a famous artisan in Peru who is known to make exact replicas of musical clay instruments from ancient Peru. He worked  25 years at Larco Hoyle Pre-columbian Museum in Lima. There he learned the secrets of these instruments and he moved back to Cuzco and opened a studio-ceramic shop. He concentrated on making clay copies of pre-columbian vases and Nazca pan-flutes. He made them to the exact size, clay color, and musical pitch of a panflute,  Antara, or a whistle vase. 
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