Notes Meeting: 10/26/2022. 08:00 AM
Present, Dr. Ann Marie Bartlett and Dr. Giulia Vismara.
Carlos Llerena Aguirre reported on work done in the previous month. Edited the video, color correction an sound of the documentary Qeswachaka. Also, a report on the work in progress “Estar y No Estar” of disappeared people’s portraits.
Giulia commented on the use of layering sounds in film scenes. And or adding sounds that help building the scene, such as street sounds, wind, keys. Or adding dissonance with foreign sounds to the scene. she suggested several books, articles to read, for example Bloomsbury, The political Possibility of Sound. Ann Marie also offered a list of books of ethnography, soundscape, and ecocinema. Ann Marie suggested to me to do intervention and experimentation with a methodological approach and research the impact on audiences.
Ann Marie concluding remarks were to concentrate on the background reading to inform my praxis. Giulia suggested using the Tehran's sound article as a "sound diary" experiment.
The main influence in the gathering of sound samples this month, was the work of Westerkamp's music. Miami, Lima, New York.
"Westerkamp creates new possibilities for listening. One can journey with her sound to inner landscapes and find unexplored openings in our sound souls. The experience of her music vibrates the potential for change.”
Pauline Oliveros, Kingston, N.Y., USA (about CD transformations)
Pauline Oliveros, Kingston, N.Y., USA (about CD transformations)
Sound diary. San Isidro. Lima. Peru. 11:00 AM. November 21. 2022
Acoustemological Investigation: Sound Diary #Tehran.
Ali Mousavi.
Sound is used to observe architecture and urban design. By recording sound and video and sound by itself Ali Mousavi detects the changes in the city, His PHD research centers in the Pardis Phase 11. This is an in-depth reflection of a desert land changed into a sprawling-urban setting.
“The living environment and places where people spend their time tell a story about who they are and their vision of the future.” Ali Mousavi
Sound diary of the city of Lima. Peru. 10:00 am. November 11, 2022
Listening to the Urban Fracture: Co-Creating Soundscapes, Partnerships and Futures in the French Periphery during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sandoval, Mariana Rios.
Collaborative Anthropologies; Lincoln Vol. 14, Iss. 2, (Spring 2022): 91-103.
Marian Rios Sandoval reacts when her filmmaking project was canceled during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Many anthropological and field work projects were also cancelled. Marian Rios contracted an environmental journalist and a bird specialist-musician. She made a series of podcasts and soundscapes with the environmental journalist. And with the musician she contacted many activists who mobilized against territorial inequalities-build on their perception of the aural environment during the coronavirus of 2020. The resulting works reflected on the present and a more livable future.
Voegelin, Salomé. The Political Possibility of Sound. Fragments of Listening. 2018. Bloomsbury Publishing. UK
The Political Possibility of Sound has seven essays on the possibility of the political creativity and invention, and transformation in a collaborative world. The book has listening to several sound works music, acoustic environments, and poetry. Voegelin responds to geography and migration, sonic cosmopolitanism, objective identities, and practice collectivity. It proposes that the practice of “listening” is the center for understanding sound itself.

Inside the E Train. New York City. 9:45 AM. November 21, 2022
Sound Diary. Outside the E Train. Spring Street Station. New York City. 9:35 AM. November 21, 2022
Toward an Anthropology of Ambient Sound, Sound Studies. An Interdisciplinary Journal. Volume 7.2021 – Issue 2.
Edited by Christine Guillebaud, New York, Routledge, 2019, 258 pp.,
The book is a result of the Milson Programme “anthropology of sound” conducted by the research center for ethnomusicology at the University Paris, Ouest-Nanterre. It was conducted from 2011 to 2015. The notion of ambient sound and its roll in social agency are addressed by researching within several countries: Italy, France, The UK (Scotland) Spain, Portugal, India, Egypt, and Japan. The researchers are French doing ethnographic work worldwide.
Sound Diary. Plaza Bolognesi.Lima, Peru. 9:55 AM. November 1, 2022
Sound Diary. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York City. 1;15 PM November 22, 2022
Sound Diary. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru. "Cariñito" song. Festival. San Miguel. Lima, Peru. 1:27 PM. November 12. 2022
Sound Diary. Banda "Armonía Huarochiri." Street orchestra, "Cariñito" song. Festival. Mercado Risso. Market. Lince. Lima, Peru. 10:00 AM November 8. 2022
Sound Diary. Maryknoll bells and street traffic. (Colegio Santa Rosa, Maryknoll) Lince. Lima, Peru. 6:00 PM. November 4. 2022