Melzer, Tine. Atlas of Aspect Change.
"The seeing of something anew" It makes us aware of paralel perspectives tying to find hidden meanings. We tend to ignore what is before our eyes. Its an analysis of a term coined by Ludwig Wittgenstein to designate something everyday.
Erving Goffman studies a new aspect of seeing called Frame Analysis, where he proposes examining organizations in relation to reality in socio-cultural terms, and their meanings. 
Tishman, Shari. Slow Matters
The term " slow food" was developed after a chef protested in Rome for the opening of a MacDonald's fast food restaurant. The idea was to take time to enjoy the things of life. In this book a slow journalist travels through Asia, .children disassemble a door knob, and a young Indian girl takes a walk to take pictures of her environment. These are examples of slow looking.
Beckett, Samuel. Fail Better
The entire book is about entering different tasks and fail them over and over. The purpose of this proposal is to approach a project without the intention of having success

Exegesis, is the critical explanation of text, and an important method used in Curtin University, Australia. Several post graduate researchers were interviewed and measured by how much exegesis and non-fiction writing was used. the scholarly and the creative. The non-fiction creative doctorate can be conceptualized by understanding Barthes quote  "ambiguous genre".
For the last twenty years candidates in creative arts have used the exegesis as an important component in their research. This study was conducted at Central Queensland University, Australia. It originated in a call for papers from TEXT "Exegesis Now". As part of a new research. twelve questions were sent to three doctoral candidates to determine the value of creative writing, a body of art work and exegesis. The outcome was that it is important to use exegesis.  All Australian universities use exegesis as part of their research and it has become a requirement. It helps to structure the research question and the thesis. 

This book is about sound and his history. Kahn talks about the historical insignificance assigned to sounds and also the need for their sonic content.  He discusses the prelude of modernism and the  discovery of the phonograph in 1877. "one can look at seeing one can't hear hearing"
Thee most provocative uses of sound occurred during the avant guard, involving radio, sound, film, microphone, and amplification. After World War II cinema, film and animated cartoons increased sound possibilities and audio phonic technologies. After the postwar there was a greater access to technology. In the 1950s television radio and music, got into a deeper involvement of sound and aurality. In the 60s John Cage created many projects on sound and art.  John Coltrane, Cecil Taylor another African-American artist made also an influence.  The Flux movement also brought into this century optical electrical genetic psycho, tectonic mnemonic and conceptual means of sound recording.
The relationship between auditory and visual perception makes  sound function as an effective trigger for personal emotions and memory. These artists in this exhibit used noise and sound with analog equipment. Artist like  Bruce Nauman, Laurence, Weiner, Jannis Kounellis and Lawrence Weiner. With analog sound, they challenge the audience to perceive the noises of our daily life, with more reverence and  assessment of our own experience of the world around us.
In 2000 artist Christian Markley, created a video art with a screeching electric guitar behind a pick up truck. This work  influenced by  rock 'n' roll and John cage had a conceptual reframing of considerations. It was shot in San Antonio, Texas in 1999. In the same year there was a violent murder of James Byrd, and African-American man who was dragged to death behind a pick up truck by three white men from the Aryan Suprematist group. In an interview, Markley responded that there was an illusion on signification that the work reference flux's artist, Nam June Paik, also influenced by 1980s rock and the murder of James Byrd, as layers of signification.
SAVVY Contemporary and MaerzMusik-Festival for Time Issues had a two day symposium with exhibitions, performances, and lectures. It went beyond the concept of the Eurocentric western musicological format. Performers were African-American composers like Julius, Eastman, Anneke Kahrs. sound installation by Toguo. drawings by Malak, and score by Raven Chacon.
Marianne Amacher discovered 'ear tone" music. with a synthesizer and principles of artificial intelligence. She developed it with the creative use of a combination and differences of tones with Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) and  psychoacoustic phenomena. 
She went to The University of Pennsylvania, MIT and University of Illinois. She also helped John Cage in several projects. Her main work is City Links, 1967,  undertaking experimental acoustics music.  For Sound Joint Room, she transmitted life sonic feeds from multiple cities.  In Music for Sound Joint Rooms, she used several speakers placed in the floor to create multiple overlapping acoustics. In her work  Mini Sound Series, she uses a multimedia installation based on television in the series formats. This created sound characters with a unique timbre.
Since the 1980 sound  art it's hard to define;   most musicians reject it and visual artists don't take it seriously. it's very hard to discover it's nature and its history There are two new books:  Alan licht's Sound Art Beyond Music Between Categories and Brandon La Belle's Background Noise Perspectives on the Sound Arts.  Both books have critical history of the art form, discover their origins, articulate their relationship to music and visual arts, and they discuss the current developments.
Licht says music speaks to the listener as a human being and sound Art speaks to a listener as a living denizen  of the planet, reacting to sound and environment. As an animal would.
Labelle describes music as a temporal art and sound as a spatial one.
Bill, Fontana researched on visual perception and how we look at things around the world, except when we listen and hear an aural sound there is a lag between what we see and what we hear. A sound blindspot is the concept of noise.  so watching pictures is a visual language that we know very well and we could even see color . Except with sound around us we don't sense it immediately and we don't sense color.
 Fontana  placed sound inside the Arch of Triumph, in the center of traffic in Paris, he installed speakers with. crashing waves sound and created the illusion of white noise, and he got merged into the experience. He made this installation by putting  the sounds of the sea as a layer.
This article is part of a  dissertation at York University in Toronto, Canada. Sounding Places Situated Conversations to the Soundscape Compositions of Hildegard Westerkamp. Andra McCartney discusses how electroacoustic music can't be researched as traditional forms of musical analysis, Soundscape composition, which has been environmental sound, could be considered a type of electroacoustic music . It is resistant to research analysis and categorization. 
McCartney discusses the place of soundscape composition within the field of electroacoustic music discussion. She divided it into three parts. 1-What is meant by the serious   use of environmental sound. 2- what are the established norms of electroacoustic music. 3- To what extent does soundscape composition in itself, disrupt, or subvert these norms?
Conceptual art has to be planned before hand with a clear meaning before the execution. It is not logical; The idea becomes the most important message. Perceptual art is what deals with sensations of the eye primarily. SolLeWitt discusses minimal art which as it doesn't relate to his work. Also the size of art it is difficult to decide, the  space and new materials. 
After the war, many electronic music and experimental sound studios, appeared in Europe. In Milan Ritratto di Citta- Portrait of a City, was recorded by  Luciano Berio,  Bruno, Maderna and Roberto Leydi in 1955 .It  was a mixture of sound of the city, music composition, voice and experimental recordings. The radio composition had moments of dawn, evening, night and places like the Duomo station, and the channels.  The composition expresses a combination of verbal and text by Leydi, recitals with musical level and acoustic events. Sounds noises, short music pieces, selected processed or create it from scratch by Berio and Maderna .
The concept of the "Flaneur" is the casual wonder observer reporter, of street life in a contemporary city. This character was explored in  Baudelaire's books. Author Bobby Seal makes a comparison between Walter Benjamin and Baudelaire and how did they used the Flaneur.
Bill Fontana was a composition student at the Cleveland Institute of music, He had a moment of enlightenment. He  heard within himself sound, he regarded the active listening as a way of making music. His creative activity was finding music in the environment around himself. The idea of composing music with found sounds that are around us  became his objective for the rest of his life.
Pascal Wise describes a recent sound work with 70 speakers under the Somerset House in London. He said his projects are really experiments in perception to break down peoples non-listening. Fontana 's new projects involve  making a sculpture out of sound, and defining a space with sounds. He said for his new sound installations  he wants the idea of making a sculpture out of sound, and defining a space with sounds.

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